Friday, September 23, 2011

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi - Parshat Nitzavim/Vayeleh


Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi -  Parshat Nitzavim/Vayeleh
A message to Am Yisrael in Israel and the world

The Creator is showing the entire world, but especially to the Jews in Eretz Yisrael and throughout the world, that He is running the world. Nothing happens in the world without Hashem approving it. There is no error or mistake in any occurrence in the world - the world has not gone crazy.

The Creator will burn all the impurity in the world, and dismantle nations one at a time, at just the precise time. The material world has done its time.

All Jews who run after material things - nothing will remain in their hands, everything will be stopped. Materialism’s purpose has now ended, while spiritual, holy and pure matters will overtake the world. The spiritual world is advancing at the speed of light and is attracting Jews and the entire world towards its holiness and purity.

The Creator is using the forces of nature to disassemble materialism and evil in the world. The Holy One is destroying the world’s economy, everywhere except in the holy Eretz Yisrael.

In the Holy Land, there is livelihood for everyone, for Jews in the Land and throughout the world. Does this sound like an exaggeration? With the Holy One everything is possible and nothing is impossible. The Holy One will not abandon his plan to remove evil, impurity and hunger for materialism from the world.

Jews in the Diaspora, do not be complacent and linger there! Come to Eretz Yisrael immediately, you and all your family. When a Jew lives in Eretz Yisrael with a spouse and their children, one may go abroad occasionally, for livelihood, for short periods of time.

All world leaders have lost their ability to lead, and they are hanging like puppets on a string. The King of Kings will create huge havoc among the Arab nations, and turn them against each other. This chaos will be so severe that they won’t know which day it is or to which nation they belong, Arab or other. There will be hatred among them which knows no end - “Their swords will be in their hearts.” All their weapons, previously used against Am Yisrael, and their loathing and cruelty - will come back against them. What they planned against Am Yisrael - they will do to each other.

The Holy One is communicating through thinly veiled actions to Am Yisrael - I am waging your war among the nations, in the Arab countries and all over the world - so that you can have a break and an opportunity to come together and unify and be as one people. When Am Yisrael perceives Hashem’s design and does His will - no nation and no individual can stand in our way.

The Holy One is the force behind everything that occurs in the world, save for individual free will - this is the most powerful tool that a person has to create his destiny.

Leaders of Eretz Yisrael, Rabbis in Eretz Yisrael and Gedolai Yisrael- do not be despondent! Don’t wait for miracles and wonders, take action and bring Am Yisrael together, to increase unity, kindness, love and giving freely to each other. Every person in Am Yisrael must uphold the Ten Commandments.
Earthquakes will continue, as well as floods, eruptions of volcanoes, storms, and hurricanes. The economy in America and Europe will continue to fall. Everywhere in the world where Jews live, the economy will crumble - except for the Holy Land of Israel.

In places where Jews used to live around the world, those places enjoyed the Shechina and much blessing. For Jews living in the Diaspora today, there is no Shechina and no blessing, they are to be found only in the Holy Land. The “sitra achra” in the Diaspora is celebrating, having created such chaos, as evil consumes itself. Jews who are Jews- make aliyah to the Holy Land now!

In Eretz Yisrael, the real estate will continue to expand greatly, to accommodate the expected millions of Jews, with Hashem’s help. In the Land there is enough livelihood for everyone who wishes to work. The Holy One is preparing the world for the revelation of King Mashiach.

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi's Message - Parshat Ki Tavo 5

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Ki Tavo 5771
A Message to Am Yisrael, in the Land and in the world:

The King of Kings, the Holy One Blessed be He, continues and will continue to shake the entire world. Each day He raises the bar, until he dismantles the evil in the world - the hatred and jealousy. The Creator has already begun to direct the world in a new direction.

In is incumbent on all Jews to adhere to the Ten Commandments, and thus to be prepared to welcome the Mashiach!

This period is similar to that of Noach’s time. The difference is that in the time of Noach, humans behaved like animals, but today, they are dressed in suits.
The Holy One expects Am Yisrael to be a holy and pure nation, worthy and prepared to greet Mashiach. The Creator affects and diminishes powers in the world, every second, every minute, each hour and day. We feel the leadership of the Holy One , he will not ignore  any nation in the world. He will purify and cleanse all of them, until there is a world of peace, love and unity. Whoever cannot handle this, will not merit a place in this world.

The challenges are: to turn the bitter into sweet, hatred into love, theft and robbery into kindness, and jealousy into being satisfied with just a little. This is the aim of the Holy One and this will absolutely happen!

The Rabbis and Jewish leaders here and throughout the world, must work toward unity within Am Yisrael and love among fellow Jews. The strength of Am Yisrael is in their unity, love and kindness - even without expecting anything in return. The Rabbis must initiate prayers in all synagogues and all places in the Land, in order to serve as a protection from Arab leaders, whose aim is to destroy the Jewish nation.

Leaders of Israel, be strong and do not listen to any other nation. There is no nation in the world that desires the good of Israel. If we don’t help ourselves - no one else in the world will help us. We need to take advantage of this time, all of Am Yisrael - religious and not religious, those observant of the mitzvot and those not observant - all need to come together and unify as a protection for Am Yisrael.

The Creator is showing Am Yisrael that we cannot trust any Arab leader. See how even Turkey, which has no shared border with Israel - for many years peace reigned and commerce between our nations was good - even so, because of one word- their leader changed his colors from friend to enemy! Clearly, there is no trustworthy Arab leader!

Members of the Israeli government, do not believe any Arab leader - they have evil intentions! The Creator is creating an entirely new world. Eretz Yisrael is the most protected, strong, pure and holy place in the entire world. In her merit the entire world exists.

To Jews the world over, stop “playing” with Hashem; everything has its limits. The Holy One desires every Jew to come to Eretz Yisrael! Notwithstanding the disturbances around us, the Holy One is telling Jews to come immediately to Eretz Yisrael. The Holy One is telling Jews: the challenges throughout the world are your challenges as well! Leave the world of materialism, sell everything and come to live in the Holy Eretz Yisrael! Blessing and success for the world’s Jews has come to an end.

In Eretz Yisrael there are plenty of ways for a Jew to earn a living, and this will always be so. Real estate will continue to expand and the Creator is preparing the infrastructure for every Jew to come to the Holy Land. The Holy One gives up on no one - He will bring everyone on aliyah!

Regarding all the nations that surround us, their own swords will stab their hearts. Every nation that rebels against Eretz Yisrael will be hit hard - economically, socially and nationally.

The leader of Turkey said what he said - and will receive a mighty blow from the Creator! All forces of nature will continue to affect the world, except for the Holy Eretz Yisrael, as a preparation to reveal King Mashiach mercifully.

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi's Message - Parshat Ki Teitzei 5771

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Parashat Ki Teitzei 5771
A Message to Am Yisrael, in Israel and throughout the world

Hakadosh Baruch Hu is speaking to the Jews in Israel and the world eye to eye. These times are difficult; people die in accidents, natural disasters are happening on the ground, in the air and on the seas. The entire world is in chaos and complication. All the while that the world is steeped in evil, lies and deception, it seems that everything is fine - you protect me and I’ll protect you.

But when the Creator of the World enters, He breaks through and exposes the liars and cheaters and crooks, and truth begins to blossom, falsehood falls, and there is fighting and war just to overcome being put down, within the Jewish people and throughout the world.  Therefore the world has lost its direction and there is no solution for anything.

The Holy One, blessed be He, runs the world personally and precisely. He moves leaders of nations as though they were puppets on a string; they don’t know what will be from day to day. The sitra achra makes its way into the Jewish people from every direction, distracting people from Hashem’s plan to bring Redemption with mercy and reveal the King Mashiach, at this time, in our day, in our generation.

The Master of the world personally creates complication and confusion among the Arabs around us, as well as in many nations of the world. There will be protests and hatred one against the other in the entire world. Nations will swallow each other. The Arab leaders have no intention for peace. Palestinian leaders appear as though they want “peace” while insisting on taking pieces of our Holy Land.

The calm in Lebanon and Gaza - is the calm before the storm. Hashem is entangling them within themselves, in order to allow the Jewish people to do teshuva and love one another.

There must not be baseless hatred related to the protests done in Eretz Yisrael, there must not be hatred among the Jewish people, as this embarrasses the Jewish people in Israel and throughout the world, and embarrasses the Creator.  We need to have Derech Eretz - with love, peace and unity it’s possible to solve every problem. It is forbidden to learn from the ways of the nations; Jews are a wise and discerning people and they have a neshama.

In the world, natural disasters of all kinds will continue, in every place where Hashem desires them. Hashem creates every disaster at just the right moment, and with the least impact on the Jewish people. Each day He raises the bar higher in intensity of disaster, to impact the entire world - except for the holy Eretz Yisrael.

To Jews across the world - don’t be passive, thinking that this period will simply pass, don’t miss this window of opportunity -  come immediately and without delay to the Holy Land! The Shechina will gather each Jew and bring each one to the Land.
All the money in America and other nations comes from the blessings brought by Jews. This world exists because of the merit of the Jews. Am Yisrael must wake up and unify. In Eretz Yisrael there is abundant livelihood for every Jew. Real estate in Eretz Yisrael will become increasingly available. The buyers and the sellers are waiting for the situation to change - it will pass. In this Land there will be bountiful property.

Jews of the world! The Creator is ready to release his strength in places where Jews live, in order to bring them to the Land. Hashem will not stop. The world will continue in its chaotic way until the very last Jew will come to Eretz Yisrael and the King Mashiach will be revealed, soon in this generation!

Jews in America and everywhere - leave your materialistic places, the impure lands, the money, the houses, the cars - come as new olim to Eretz Yisrael - to Holy Land, to the most protected place on earth, despite all the threats!
Do the will of Hashem! No one in the world can successfully change the will of Hashem; when we do Hashem’s will it’s good for all and good for us! For everything that Hashem does - it’s all for the good. He can see the future which is good.

It is incumbent on all the Rabbis of the Diaspora - to pack it up and come immediately to Eretz Yisrael with your congregations. Don’t miss the train, don’t “mess around” with Hashem’s warnings!

All the Rabbis in our Land must be united, and work to unite Am Yisrael. Our strength against the nations that surround us - it is our unity and loving every Jew.
The Holy One blessed be He is dismantling the evil in the world, and wishes to renew it with goodness, so that everything should be good. All that Hashem does in the world, all His workings in the natural world - everything is under his personal supervision, step by step. The world’s economy will be further dismantled, while in Israel it will only strengthen!

Blessing is found in Eretz Yisrael and this will continue notwithstanding all our trials. All that the Creator does, is in order to reveal the Mashiach ben David in a merciful way!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi's message Parshat Shoftim - 5771

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi  Parshat Shoftim 5771
A Message to Am Yisrael, in Israel and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, decided that all Jews in the world should make aliyah. HKBH will not pass over a single Jew- every Jew who is a Jew- Hashem will bring that person to the Land!

Hashem signaled this desire to Jews in chutz la’aretz by way of their intellect, but now, He is using another level, the step of strength (in Hebrew, it was the “moach”, but it’s now the “koach”).  As a brief introduction to this current step, Hashem is shaking the world, waking people up and uprooting Jews from their sure footing, in lands that are impure and focused on materialism. HKBH is focused specifically on the United States, as well as other places with large Jewish populations, in order that millions of Jews will make aliyah and populate the Negev and the Galil.

The earthquake in the United States, and the hurricanes and strong winds, these are just the beginnings of widening methods to get the very last Jew into Eretz Yisrael!
Do not battle with the Ribono shel Olam! Don’t minimize this in your head, as the situation will not change or fade away! Don’t be dismissive of this! Hashem will not yield. He decided, and He will carry his decision through to the very end!

The incidents taking place in our Holy Land, these are trials whose purpose is to awaken the people in the Land from their slumber and indifference, and to see if Jews dispersed abroad love Hashem and believe in Him enough to come to Eretz Yisrael despite these incidents. This is similar to when the Medina was established, when Jews fought among the nations in order to establish the Medina, so it is today- the olim will become partners in a similar enterprise. Any Jew who will remain stubborn and not come to the Land, will have Hashem to contend with, let them be forewarned and not complain they didn’t know.

HKBH loves each and every Jew in the world, and has compassion for them. HKBH desires each Jew to come to live in Israel, and merit geulah b’rachamim (a compassionate redemption), and He wishes to reveal the Mashiach now! Mashiach ben David is found in the Holy Land now, a human being who is alive and will remain ever so!

All the situations occurring to Jews while surrounded by Arabs, in Jerusalem and nearby as well as the south, HKBH is doing this for the purpose of waking up Am Yisrael from the sleep and apathy which envelopes them, and to tell the Jews who still believe in the peace process with the Arabs- WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Occasionally, the nations that surround us test Tzahal’s responsiveness and disturb us from all directions, but HKBH protects and shields Am Yisrael.

HKBH wishes that Am Yisrael be united and love each other. It pains Him when there are arguments and disagreements.

The Master of the World asks us not to learn from the nations, from their evil and their demonstrations, not to learn from their hatred and their evil inclinations. Jews have derech eretz (decent and courteous ways), wisdom, knowledge and discernment, pleasant ways by which to seek the help of our government in any matter.

Most of the Shechina has left the rest of the world, and is now concentrated in Eretz Yisrael. She has left the Diaspora in order to pull Jews into the Land. Diaspora Jews will see they are not safe and protected there and all will come to the Land- either by their own desire or by force!

It is the duty of all Rabbis and leaders in Eretz Yisrael to influence Jews to come to the Land and save them. Evil in the world, impure lands and materialism will come to an end. Hashem affects world economy and dismantles everything. In holy Eretz Yisrael, though, livelihood will overflow and every Jew will have a job if they only want one.

Be wholehearted with the Master of the World. We will be sidetracked by incidents with Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Egypt, Jordan and around Jerusalem, in order to awaken Am Yisrael into unity and harmony, and that they shouldn’t trust in any leader in the world, only in the Master of the Universe!

Hashem is doing all this, in order to prepare for the revelation of Mashiach in this world, in the holy Eretz Yisrael, very soon indeed!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.